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May 18, 2009

1 Down ... 6 Garden Beds to go!

We finished one garden bed yesterday! Hooray! The mulch is all 100% recycled rubber tires! I love the way it looks, and being up close to the house, I don't have to worry about bugs nesting in it, and best of all it comes from recycled tires! The biggest cost for this was the mulch. I was able to justify the cost since I saved in other areas.
I bought the bush on sale, and a woman in line handed me an additional coupon (saved $8.59) Transplanted 2 plants from the backyard instead of buying all new plants (saved $26.99) Got all the bricks from my mothers yard (saved $33.00) cancelled the landscaper (savings $650.00 yearly) moved the solar lights from the side yard (saved $16.00). The savings definitey made up for the $109.00 cost of the mulch, plus I won't have to do it again for several years, unlike with cedar mulch which needs to be done yearly.

Okay, I may have some high hopes for this Summer, and by the time I am done, I think my husband will wish he was back on second shift! (add laughter here!) The girls planted the herbs in containers, so we will pick them all this Summer, and freeze.

I have a bed in the back yard, in which we will be planting lots of vegetables, however, I just wish we could freeze them!
Does anyone know if you can freeze green beans, eggplant and cucumbers? I will attempt tomato sauce as well. Yep big plans, lets just see how many of these I can accomplish.


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