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July 09, 2009

Are You Kidding Me? Really!

I don't really know where to start with this one. There just comes a time when you have to say to yourself, enough is enough. That's all well and good, but what happens when everything that seems to happen, you have absolutely no control over? How do you stop something, you can't possibly predict, you didn't ask for, and or you simply could live the rest of your life having never endured the situation in the first place?
Answer. You can't do a thing about it! What am I talking about? Well as you know from a previous post, if you are a regular reader, I may have torn my rotator cuff a few days ago. I will be going for an MRI next week, so until then I have been dealing with the pain on a minute by minute basis. On top of this situation that I seem to be in, whilst I ate my dinner tonight, with my family, I was chewing a nice "fluffy" piece of pizza, when I bit into what I thought, was a rock.
I don't know about you but when I bite into something, that I know shouldn't be there, I can forget about eating for the next several hours. Well turned out it wasn't a rock, but my own tooth! Yep, I somehow managed to break my front tooth in half! Please don't ask how, I don't know, it was pizza! It's not like I ordered rocks on it. It was pizza! I looked at my husband and just simply said..."Are you Freakin kidding me"? Then I cried. After my hubby calmed me down a bit, I called and left a message for the dentist, so hopefully he will call me first thing in the morning, emailed the boss, and told him I would be late...hope he reads his emails at night!
So I am sitting here on the couch with my laptop, trying not to whistle while I talk, and don't really know whether to laugh or cry at this point. So I might as well laugh, if not at this situation, then at least at the wonder of what will be next, things happen in three's right? So I guess I should go find a horseshoe, a rabbit foot, and any other good luck charm I can find, go to bed, and hope for a better day tomorrow!


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