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July 11, 2009

Learning the ropes at Rite Aid

Well I finally did it. I transferred two prescriptions yesterday, paid a total of $4.74 and got back two $25.00 gift cards to use at Rite Aid. Now my only problem is I have to learn how to "Rite Aid" effectively. I am hoping to turn the $50.00 into about $100.00 through Single Check Rebates, coupons and sales. My only problem, I have not shopped at Rite Aid before. The store up the street from where I live, does not accept Internet printed coupons, so I'm not really sure if I am going to become a regular here. I'll have to see how the next few shopping visits go.

If anyone has any helpful tips on shopping at Rite Aid I would greatly appreciate all the help I can get right now. Leave me a comment as to how you "Rite Aid". Thanks!


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