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July 19, 2009

To Rite Aid or Not To Rite Aid...

I had transferred two of my prescriptions over to Rite Aid about 1 week ago, and got my 2 - $25.00 Gift Cards. It was probably the easiest $50.00 I have ever made. I said that I would give Rite Aid a try. I called a few different stores in my area, to see if there was at least one store that accepted Internet printed coupons, and there was 1 store. It was located only a few miles away, and one day last week, I looked online, made some notes, and took the leap. I went with only one of the $25.00 gift cards.

I went there with an open mind. I slowly shopped up and down the aisles looking at sales ads, and reading the fine print. After about 45 minutes, I left the store and thought about the whole experience in the store. Granted it was my first time, but I was highly disappointed.

The clerks and staff were all very nice, so there was absolutely no issue with that. I did not like their sales signs with the dates listed in which you would be able to receive their Single Check Rebates. Too many different dates to deal with to try to remember. The sale prices were not that competitive especially since there are so many other drug stores in RI that are all within a stones throw from one another.

I was only able to turn my $25.00 gift card into $40.00. Normally I would think that would be a good deal, however I think that between Walgreen's and CVS, I have been a bit spoiled. My last $25.00 gift card from CVS, I was able to turn into $143.00. Now that's what I would call a good deal. I have two coupons for $25.00 each for transferring my prescriptions back to CVS, so needless to say that when it comes time to refill those two prescriptions, I will be taking them back to CVS. Rite Aid doesn't seem to fit my needs. Now by no means am I saying don't shop there, I'm just saying that it's not for me. If it fits you, please don't let my opinion stop you. If you can get the deals, than by all means go for it!

Oh the other $25.00 gift card? I gave that to my husband, and told him that when I call him to pick up milk or bread, he can stop at the Rite Aid up the street from us. This way I won't have to worry that he is spending too much by stopping at a convenience store.

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