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July 19, 2009

Walgreens Trip 7.19

When I told my girls that we were going to Walgreen's to get some gum, they were all excited! I have been holding onto these $1.00/1 Mentos Gum coupons for the last several weeks, waiting for just the right time to use them. What do you know, my patience actually paid off, finally! The limit with the in ad coupon is 6, so I still have 4 more of these coupons to use. I will probably end up going again after work to Walgreen's to use the rest of these coupons up. Here's the highlights:

6 - Mentos Gum Packs - $1.79 each - 99¢ each with in ad coupon
2 - 2 pocket folders - 9¢ each (used these as fillers)
6- Number 2 pencils - 9¢ each (used these as fillers)

Total before coupons: $11.46 plus tax (47¢)

Coupons used:
1 - store coupon for Mentos (99¢ each) Limit 6
6 - $1.00/1 Mentos Gum
1 - $1.00 Register Reward

Total OOP: .13¢!
There was a problem with this transaction because it wouldn't take the RR off, I think because it was mostly tax that I owed, but the cashier pushed it through. I think he has a crush on me, he always stares at my eyes when I come in, which is probably why he pushed it through. Hey I'll take it!

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