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July 16, 2009

Will Work For...

This is a subject that hits rather close to home for myself. As you may know, if you're a regular reader, that come this September I will be out of a job. My company has decided that it's cheaper to produce their product in places like Mexico.

My mom just happens to be one of my loyal readers. I like to think that she reads my blog because she truly loves to, but the truth is, she HAS to, I'm her daughter! (Inserting the guilt complex!) Okay, enough kidding around. She asked me to see if I could somehow incorporate job listings, companies hiring etc into my blog. "This is what we all need." She said. She's right!

The reality is, many thousands of hard working Americans have lost, or will lose their jobs. The job market and economy are not at all what they used to be. If you ask me, we are not even close to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I am starting to wonder if there is a light or an end to this tunnel.

Until I figure out a way to list actual postings, I have added a new topic to the right sidebar, called "Need a Job?" Here you will find many job hunting sites, and helpful tips to finding a job.

To those who are already out of work, and are looking. I wish you all the best in finding what you are looking for. I realize just how tough it is out there right now. Don't give up, keep looking, ask around. Ask family and friends if they know of anyone who is hiring. Go to your local library. In the reference section there are dozens of books listing out area companies, you can't take these out, but you can photocopy the pages of addresses. Invest in some stamps, and start sending out your resume to these addresses. You never know, you just might get an interview. This is how my husband found his previous job.


Nancy July 17, 2009 at 8:24 AM  

Check out LinkedIn, set up an account and start networking with everyone you know that might be on this networking site - You will be amazed at who you can link to - they list job postings and some companies will only post on LinkedIn. Also, - post your resume and keep it fresh - you will be amazed at some of the e-mails you will receive and opportunities that come your way. Our company is hiring - check out - not sure what industry you are in but never hurts to look. Good luck.

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