Find us on Google+ Couponing Class - Week 5 ~ Brandy's Big Bargains

August 24, 2009

Couponing Class - Week 5

Maximize your savings even more by "STACKING"

This weeks topic, is by request. Rose would like to understand how and when you can "use two coupons for the same item." This is a wonderful subject to touch base on right now, and I would like to thank her for bringing it to light.

First you have to know what your local store's policies are. Once you know what they are, you can better plan your trips. Many stores have their own "Store Brand" coupons, which are not issued by the manufacturer, but by the corporate store's themselves.

Some of these same stores, will allow you to use one store coupon, and one manufacturer coupon for the same item. This is why it is important to find out what your local stores coupon policy is.

Target, Walgreen's, Shaw's and CVS are some stores that will allow you to use their own coupon, and a manufacturer coupon for the same item, thus maximizing your savings even more. Here is an example:

Product ABC - $6.00
*you have a manufacturer's coupon for $2.00 off of 1 item
You will pay a total out of pocket for $4.00
♦ Your savings is 33%


Product ABC - $6.00
*you have the same manufacturer's coupon for $2.00 off of 1 item
* but this time you also have a Store coupon in addition to the manufacturer's coupon for $1.00 off of 1 item. Now this paticular store allows you to use both their own coupon, and a manufacturer's coupon for the same item. Otherwise known as "Stacking".
Now, your final Out Of Pocket expense is only $3.00
♦ Your savings is now 50%

You have now just increased your savings by 17%. Sometimes, by being able to use a store, and a manufacturer's coupon, you will find you can get many items free or very close to free.

Another great place to stack your coupons is at the grocery store, especially when the store doubles the manufacturer's coupons! Here's an example of a purchase:

Product ABC - $2.49
*you have a store coupon for 50¢ off the item
Your final price would be $1.99
♦Your savings would be 20%


Product ABC - $2.49
*You have the same store coupon for 50¢ off the item, but this time you also have a 55¢ off 1 item that is a manufacturer's coupon. This store doubles coupons up to 99¢ (Again, this is why it is extremely important to ask what your store's policies are regarding the use of coupons)
Your final price now would be only 89¢
♦Your savings would now be more than 60%

So, now hope you understand a little better on how to use multiple coupons for the same item. Before I leave you with this week's lesson, here are some key questons to ask when you are looking for store coupon policies:

♦Do you accept manufacturer coupons?
♦Do you accept Internet Printable Manufacturer coupons?
♦Is there a limit as to the amount of coupons you accept per transaction?
♦Do you allow customers to use a store coupon and a manufacturer's coupon for the same item?
♦Do you double coupons / or triple? If so what are the dollar amounts the you double or triple up to?
♦Do you accept coupons on sale/clearanced items?
♦Do you have a limit as to the number of "same" coupons I can use? ie: have 10 o the same coupon, can I buy 10 items? or is there a limit?

Who do you ask for the policies? Ask to see a store manager, if one s not available, ask for an 800 number to call regarding the policies. Don't ask the cashier, though many mean well, many also don't realize what the full policy is.

Here is the Walmart policy. It's posted right on their website! I wish more stores were like this!
You can find the most up-to-date Target Coupon policy HERE. (it's dated 5.13.2009)

Okay, now go get your store's coupon policies! I'll see you back here next week.

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Michelle August 24, 2009 at 6:54 AM  

I love your series! Very in depth. I've learned quite a bit. Thanks so much!

Rose September 9, 2009 at 8:33 PM  

Thank you Brandy! I am just now getting to read it but do thank you!!!! I haven't been home. Long story short, went on a cruise with my sis at the last minute. Didn't even know I was going until the night b 4. Then when we got home from the 5 day cruise she winds up in the hospt. for 5 days with a kidney stone and pancreaus problems! Seems like forever since we went on the cruise. lol anyway thank you again and this really helps me to understand it better!

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