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August 09, 2009

Do You Love Giveaways?

Do you love giveaways? Do you enter every one that you can find? Well you have come to the right spot! I love being able to hold these giveaways and now is your opportunity to tell me what you would like to see as a prize for future giveaways! Yep, you decide. Now, please be real, I cannot give away a million dollars. I will be hosting future gift card giveaways, but I would like to see what you are interested in winning, Home Depot gift cards? Walgreen's gift cards, Walmart? Target? Coupons? Small Home Appliances?

I am in the process of doing some networking magic, and these next few months will hopefully bring you bigger, better, and even more giveaways! So leave me a comment, and let me know what kind of giveaways you would like to see.

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Amanda R August 9, 2009 at 11:00 PM  

I really appreciate both practical giveaways and ones that let you "splurge". The best practical gift card for me would be walmart, and I love restaurant gift cards as splurges (I wouldn't otherwise eat out).

Renee August 10, 2009 at 3:14 PM  

I like giveaways that are practical, from pretty jewelry or books or gift baskets that would make great gifts for others to cleaning supplies, snacks, and toys that I would keep for my family and would help me keep within my monthly spending budget! Gift cards are always wonderful! Hopefully, though, anyone who wins something will be appreciative of whatever it is because you didn't have to giveaway ANYTHING! :)

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