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August 13, 2009

How I Did Ordering From Peapod!


Several weeks ago, I told you about my Behind the Scenes tour of Peapod. Well as a Special gift for attending we were each given a $50 gift card. So How did I do? I will say, I had one of my biggest savings to date! To add to my savings I signed up for the direct check payment option, which gave me an additional $5.00 off my first transaction, and $1.00 off every order after that. I also used a promotional code that they had given to us, which gave me another $15.00 off. I also had a coupon that was mailed to me for FREE shipping, a savings of $7.95. I shopped the aisles, and did a thorough grocery shopping, buying mostly items that I had coupons for and some fillers that I needed.

I love shopping for my groceries online, in the comfort of my own home, as I was able to really be able to determine my maximum savings. was able to have my coupons spread out on the table and do the math. Yes it was a lot of planning but when you hear my total, you'll know why I do what I do. After about 1 hour of "shopping", I added my coupons up, and checked out. Now the coupons don't get deducted until they take the coupons, and process them all. So nothing comes out of your checking account until they tally the coupons.

I spent a total of $134.87 before all my savings. After my savings, gift card, promo codes, and coupons, a total of $1.17 came out of my checking account! WOO HOO!!!

Oh and by the way, I ordered some stuffed cherry peppers that I normally buy, and I happened to a get a "bad" jar. Well when I called them up to let them know, it took a matter of minutes, and no hassel what so ever to get a credit on my account. The customer service people are so incrediably polite, and very professional. It was a pleasent experience all together!

Right now, you canclick on te image above to start your savings, and get $10.00 in free groceries! Try it today!

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