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August 12, 2009

Very Profitable Day!

I had an extremely profitable day today. Seems all my FREE coupons came in the mail in a single day. FREE OJ, FREE candy bar, FREE rice vinegar, FREE Gatorade! I had some ink refilled at Walgreens, and the clerk gave me a bunch of coupons to use on future visits! As I was walking out of Walgreen's the man before me threw out money, $13.00!!! Okay so they were Register Rewards, but it's still money, and a coupon for a FREE airwicks scented gel warmer! I transferred my prescriptions back to CVS and redeemed 2 coupons to get 2 $25.00 gift cards when I transferred back to CVS. I also asked about their ready fill program and they gave me 2 $25.00 coupon books for future visits!

Spent $4.95 on the prescriptions, and $7.00 in ink refills

Got back, received, found & asked for:
$50.00 in Gift Cards
$13.00 in Register Rewards
$296.00 in coupons!
For a grand total of $359.00!

Looks like I have some planning to do for my next CVS and Walgreen's trips to get the most for my money, without paying the price!

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Marcie August 12, 2009 at 11:14 PM  

WOW! That is a really nice day. I am really glad you had a day like today. Kind of like winning the lottery. :)

A Day In The Life August 13, 2009 at 11:58 AM  

Nice job!!! How did you get the free oj coupon? I love oj...

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