September 01, 2009
New Giveaway is Now Open!
I think you are all going to like this gift card! Yep, you guessed it...Target! I think we could all use this, especially a $25.00 gift card! You heard correctly, $25.00 Target Gift Card. With the holidays fast approaching, every little penny will help.
I am going to set this up giveaway a little differently though, so here we go!
This giveaway will run September 1, 2009 through 10:00 pm, September 30th, 2009.
If you are already a subscriber, you are automatically entered to win! All subscriptions must be active in order to qualify, so don't forget to respond to the feedburner confirmation when you do subscribe. Now for the entry methods:
♦ Leave me a comment telling me what you would do with an extra $25.00 (1 entry)
♦ Subscribe to my site, and don't forget to check your email to confirm! Come back and let me know you subscribed! Remember, if you are already a subscriber you will automatically be entered. (1 entry)
♦ Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)
♦ Tweet about this giveaway, and leave me the link to your tweet! (Once per week, for up to 5 extra entries!)
♦ Become a Fan of my page on Face Book, (click on the "become a fan" button at the bottom of the page) come back and let me know you did. ( 1 entry )
That's 9 separate chances to win!
Good Luck!!
Like my site? Want more? Head over to the right side bar and subscribe today! Never miss another bargain again!
I am going to set this up giveaway a little differently though, so here we go!
This giveaway will run September 1, 2009 through 10:00 pm, September 30th, 2009.
If you are already a subscriber, you are automatically entered to win! All subscriptions must be active in order to qualify, so don't forget to respond to the feedburner confirmation when you do subscribe. Now for the entry methods:
♦ Leave me a comment telling me what you would do with an extra $25.00 (1 entry)
♦ Subscribe to my site, and don't forget to check your email to confirm! Come back and let me know you subscribed! Remember, if you are already a subscriber you will automatically be entered. (1 entry)
♦ Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)
♦ Tweet about this giveaway, and leave me the link to your tweet! (Once per week, for up to 5 extra entries!)
♦ Become a Fan of my page on Face Book, (click on the "become a fan" button at the bottom of the page) come back and let me know you did. ( 1 entry )
That's 9 separate chances to win!
Good Luck!!
Like my site? Want more? Head over to the right side bar and subscribe today! Never miss another bargain again!

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Hi Brandy! I think what I'd do with the $25 gc is maybe put it towards a digital camera! I've never owned one before and have been wanting to purchase one for a while now! Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh I'm #1...haha #1 rarely wins. :) I subscribed!
Following you on Twitter! (luvcontests)
Became a Fan on your Facebook page! ;)
Sent a request to be your friend!
I'd buy a few new shirts for fall
I follow you on twitter (CarmaSez)
I would use the GC to buy holiday gifts for my son.
monicabozsik at yahoo dot com
I subscribe.
monicabozsik at yahoo dot com
I would use it towards Xmas gifts - I have 5 kids & can use all the help I can get :)
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patti connors bright
I'd buy a cute pair of shoes for myself!
I would use it to go toward christmas gifts this year!
I love your web site! It saves so much money and time. Thank you for doing this for us!!
I love being a follower of your site!
I would get some new shoes!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
I would use the $25.00 to get $75.00 of merchandise thanks to all of your tips!
On of my favorite things to do at Target is check out all the clearance... so I would probably spoil myself with some "end of summer" items...or I might get sucked into the holiday stuff...I love Target holiday items!!
Wonderful site!!
Lovin' this giveaway! I would buy a pretty dress or some cute accessories! Thanks!
Put it toward a Christmas gift for my mom.
I subscribe
My husband has been waiting to buy the new Fireman Wii game, he is a fireman so I hardly see him as it is now so spending his free time with a video game is not my idea as fun but it would make him so happy. Who knows I might even like it. Thanks.
Hi Brandy! I would buy a gift for my sister-in-law. It's her birthday next month and there are so many things I could get from Target...a great pair of shoes, a funky necklace, a cool tee, etc. :)
I love Target, and I would probably spend the $25 on paper goods and milk. Thanks so much for the practical offer!
I'm subscribed, too. Thanks again!
I would use it on baby stuff since i'm having a baby due Christmas Day! :)
I would buy shoes for my daughter.
Follow you on twitter (aitmama).
Fan of your page on Face Book
I hang on your every tweet! (entry 1.. the winner right? RIGHT?!)
What would I do w/a $25 Target card. First I'd squeal like a little girl for winning a GC to my FAV store... THEN I'd visit a blog like For The Mommas to see what the weekly Target deals were then grab em up FREE. With the left overs I'd hit the dollar bins and fill out my gift closet. I love that thing! I'm never caught short for that unexpected birthday party!
I would use the gift card for holiday shopping!
With the $25. gift card, I would buy some of the current Target gift card offers like : get a $10 Target gift card when you buy 2 packages of printer ink. I love those Target gift card deals. Thanks for the chance to win!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I am an e-mail subscriber.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I'd get some little things for the new baby, coming in a month!
I'd buy something for the baby we are expecting in a couple weeks. :)
Gender is a surprise so I've been holding off on a lot of things.
mamaknj @ msn . com
I would get cleaninggggg products!
allygotts567 at hotmail dot com
I follow on Twitter, I'm ALGott
allygotts567 at hotmail dot com
I'm a fan of your facebook page!
allygotts567 at hotmail dot com
I would use $25 to buy presents!
I would use the $25 to buy clothes for my little girl for the winter!
No matter how many school supplies we buy, we always seem to need more as the school year gets going....
I would put it toward Christmas shopping!
I would use this for school shirts for the boys. I didn't realize they have both grown out of pretty much everything.
I think we would use to buy diapers for baby!!
I would use it to buy food that was on sale with coupons! and hopefully a gift card as well. Thanks for the chance.
$25 ........... well maybe would gift it to someone who needs it more than me.
Hmm, well our microwave is slowly fritzing out and I'd put it toward buying another one!
I would buy a toy storage bin!
I would buy a nice present for my son's birthday! Thanks!
I would use the extra $25 to accesorize my daughter's new room! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
get an early start on holiday shopping
get an early start on holiday shopping
I really need new make up like powder and eyeliner. I would love to pick up a few things like batteries too;)
I am a subscriber
I really need a new purse.
nicholakleyle at hotmail dot com
I would use the gift card toward clothes for my two children.
I became a fan on facebook!
I am following you on twitter. (growinchildren)
Tweeted about your site and contest.
Stock up on all the California Kitchen microwave pizzas I could get for $25. A bargain at Targets especially when they are on sale 2/$5.
I'd more than likely spend this gift card on practical items, like groceries.
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
(already a subscriber)
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
Follow on Twitter ~ src1964
Week #1 tweet.
Facebook Fan!!!
I'd get a new top!
I would buy Christmas presents for my boys!
I subscribe
I would like to purchase the 2009 football card set for my son.
It would go toward christmas. With 4 kiddos every penny counts.
I'd put the $25.00 gift card toward a new hairdryer. They're always breaking!
I subscribe by email.
I am sure I would get something for our toddler. :-)
I follow on Twitter (I'm @prizealert)
Here's my tweet:
I'm a subscriber!
I would hoard the gc until Christmas then use it to buy something for someone on the Christmas for the Elderly tree at Wal-mart.
I would use it for dance wear for my daughter!
bettinawellmaker at gmail dot com
I would first check out the clearance area. Then go straight to the cosmetics.
I love to shop in the clearance area. There's a lot of low-price items there and they're too cute, popcorn bowls, measuring cups, candy. I'd probably buy gifts for everyone from that area.
I would use it to buy groceries.
Christmas presents!
I would buy my little bug a coat for winter. Great Giveaway!
I am a facebook fan as TheBraggingMommy Heidi
I follow you on twitter as @braggingmommy
I'm subscribed!
I would stretch the 25$ the most I could by using coupons and following deals. I'm a sucker (like pretty much all of us here) for a good deal!
I would use the $25 to do Christmas shopping :D
Im a fan on facebook :D
I could always use extra money, I recently lost a lot of my cloths and have been replacing them so I would put it on a nice shirt. :)
I just subscribed.
Thanks for offering this contest. Hope we win.
I'd buy diapers.... fun, huh?
Cha Ching Queen
I would love to win this giveaway! I am expecting and would definitely use the $25 gift card for all my baby needs.
I subscribed!
If I won a $25 gift card to Target, first I may cry, seriously! I would definitely use it towards Christmas. We have three kids ages 4 and under. Sadly it's been a tough year for us. So any bit helps. And Target has the most amazing clearence section. I could probably get something for child.
i'd splurge on some extra make-up.
hockiemack at
I would buy a case of diapers and a cute shirt for my son! :)
I would be really surprised considering I never win anything.I love Target so getting to go using money that I won would be huge. I would have to check out the sales and gather coupons to see just how far I can make it stretch.
I would buy some frilly unsensible panties!
I'd spend it like I always do at Target - on a purse. :)
I'd save it for Christmas.
I just subscribed to the newsletter! :)
I would use the gift card toward a nintendo dsi for my son....I'm going to break down and buy one for him this year. I'm sick of watching him WATCH his friends play theirs and he's been so good about not begging for one.
following you on twitter!
I would use it to buy Christmas presents.
I am now a subscriber!
I would buy one week of fantastic Target deals and then really enjoy a good deal! :)
I would buy a few last minute school clothes for my kids!
I would use it towards a space saver high chair since my baby has started eating solids & I need to get her one. :)
I would buy some new nursing tanks or put it toward a new camera for the hubby!
gitrecca at gmail dot com
I would put it toward Christmas gift shopping!
I follow on twitter (deegee13)
I tweeted
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I would probably put it towards a toy for my son. He loves to 'cook' and I would love to get him a kitchen!
jenbras at cox dot net
I would buy diapers! We can always use those...
I would use it to get get school shirts for the boys. They grew out of everything this summer.
I would love to win the gift card and would use it to buy myself
(for a change) a new purse that I need. thanks,
I would definitely put the $25 towards a flip camera. I have nothing to capture those precious moments of my children so I can upload them to the computer. I still have the Hi8 tapes that I can't do much with. Thanks!
$25 would go to diapers and baby products (powder, destin, etc) for my sweetie!!love TARGET!!
maggie -
I know that I should be thinking about groceries, diapers or Christmas presents for my family, but my birthday's on wednesday which is coincidentally the release date of Beatles Rockband, and that's what I want so badly (even though I've never played Rockband in my life!)
Thanks for the great information. I added you to facebook too.
www.savingmoneywithdot.blogspot . com
I would buy my daughter some new clothes w/ the extra $25.
I did not get a confirmation e-mail. I would spend my GC on Black & Decker 2-Slice Toaster - Black (T3550).
I would probably use it towards diaper.
I am a subscriber.
I would see what gift card sales I could buy with coupons, and see how much more I could turn the $25.00 into!
I am now a subscriber!
arisfreebies at gmail dot com
I would absolutely buy a new pair of jeans. I am in desperate need. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd buy some clothes for my new baby boy!!
I would save it for birthday and christmas shopping that is coming up :D
I think i would use the gift card to get new shoes--time to put away the flip flops:(
Melissa G.
I would use the $25 gift card to see what was on sale clearance wise and if they did not have anything I needed there, I would probably purchase laundry detergent, dish detergent, toilet paper and stuff like that.
Subscribed by email.
I am a fan on Facebook.
I would get some toys
I'd buy some everyday neccessaties...diapers, wipes, etc.
With an extra $25, I would buy some food necessities, as well as some inexpensive craft supplies.
I would use it to buy something fun for my granddaughter.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
I'd put it away for Christmas!!
My daughter is in love with Target (we live in Canada so have to go over border) since they carry a great line of Burt's Bees products.
We would use it to buy dog food!
I would use it to buy some new tops - I'm in need of new ones after my son was born!
I subscribed to your site!
I would use it for a Christmas present. Maybe a new straightening iron for my daughter.
I would use it towards a Wii game. Going to be getting some new ones for Christmas.
subbed solta(at)hotmail(dot)com
Tweeted about your site and contest.
I would use the Target gift card to get more amazing deals...particularly on household items (like glade, airwick, etc) and to stock up on baby products (baby is arriving in Dec!)
Freda Yoo
I'd like to buy new jeans, shirts and possible some household items if there are any on clearance!
I'm a subscriber!
@tcarolinep Twitter Follower! twwet!
Facebook fan@tcarolinep JessieS.
I would spend it on my son, Conner. Most likely a dinosaur.
i would get my baby the tag reader system for his birthday
I'd buy some flatware I've had my eye on :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Subscribed by email
I'm a facebook Fan~
I am a subscriber!
I would buy snacks!
I would buy a big boy car seat for my son.... kinda need one of those.
I would stack coupons with the target deals and streeetch the $25 gift card. I SUBSCRIBE!!!!
I would get my kids a halloween costume since Halloween is right around the corner!
jenbutterfly12 at yahoo dot com
I follow on twitter (jenbutterfly)
Tweet, Tweet.
I would use it to buy stuff (mostly clothes) for a family member who due to unfortunate circumstances pretty much has nothing at all.
I follow you on twitter. Im @dwalline
My daughter has really gotten into baby dolls so it would probably go to getting her a new one for Christmas.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com
I would start shopping for stocking stuffers from their dollar bins.
I am a subscriber
I am a fan on Facebook.
I would use it to buy a gift for my grandson's upcoming birthday.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Email subscribed.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I would buy my grandchildren some new books...Elin j
guess that wasn"t to anonymous...I left my name...anyway Elin is still trying to learn!!!
I'd start my Christmas shopping with an extra $25. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
I would start my Christmas shopping
a little early. Thank you.
Id probably get some snacks for tailgating
Christmas is right around the corner. I would start my shopping.
Tweet about your site and contest!
Hi there! I would use the card to go towards gifts for my grandson. He will be 3 in December so I need to get birthday and Christmas gifts.
Let my two little boys go crazy in the Crayola aisle at Target.
I subscribed.
Follow on Twitter: donnybjj
I would spend a $25 giftcard on my kids clothes. Their clothes are so cute and inexpensive I could get a lot of stuff for $25!!!
I just became a fan of yours at Facebook!!! :)
I just signed up for email notifications!! :)
I would use it to buy some cereal, we are low on cereal. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com
I'd let my 13 year old get a couple new hoodies. That seems to be the thing to wear in school this year, and she says she needs more.
I am following you on twitter, lunaj1456
I tweeted about the giveaway:
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