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September 12, 2009

Reward Ladder Q&A

Since I posted this several days ago, some of you sent me emails, asking what Reward Ladder was all about, some also thoughtt it was a bit on the scammy side.  So I will try and answer all your questions here. 

What is Reward Ladder? 
~ Reward Ladder is just like many other sights, such as Reward Port, and My Points, with one exception.  The SuperPoints section. 

How do you earn points? 
~ You can earn points a couple of different ways.  You can fill out their "offers," which is something that I don't typically participate in.  You can also earn points by shopping online through their sight at places like Walmart, etoys, and many others. 

What are the Super Points?
~ Super Points, are a bit unattainable in my opinion.  You have 6 days to complete each level by completing  the  rungs on each ladder.  If you can make all the levels in the time alloted, than you will be rewarded with 100,000 super points.  I use reward ladder when I am looking for something online, to search or do some shopping.  So my points don't add up very quickly. 

What are the Rewards?
~ There are many different rewards that are available.  For example 500 points will get you a $5.00 Amazon gift card.  2500 points will get you a $25.00 Target Gift Card.  and there are many others.  ipods, MP3 players, etc. 

I hope this helps.  If you don't shop online at all, than this probably is not for you. 

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Karen Williams October 8, 2009 at 5:42 PM  

Thanks for the info about Reward Ladder. I just their LuckySearch feature to do my regular Google searches, but each time I do it, there's a chance to win more points.

That Reward Ladder game lets you win 100,000 SuperPoints, worth about $1000 in prizes. I'm saving up for an iPod, but when I get that prize, I'll have enough for that and then some other stuff.

I get points and smaller prizes from them all the time, so I know it's legit.

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