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November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is Thanksgiving, and I will not be posting any deals today, as I will be spending the day with my family.  I would like to take a moment, and say thank you to all of you who read this blog. 

Thanksgiving is a day to be thankful, as many of us are so busy throughout the rest of the year, we often times take for granted people, or little luxuries we have.  So today, I ask all of you, what are you thankful for? 

I am thankful for my wonderful family.  I am thankful that I am healthy, that my children are healthy, even though they are in casts right now, but they are healthy, and recovering well.  I am thankful for my awesome caring friends.  I am thankful for all the support that I have received doing this blog.  I am thankful for all the wonderful other bloggers I have had the opportunity to meet.  I am thankful for so many things that I have been blessed with, and I couldn't possibly express them all here in a post. 

Have a wonderful, and safe Thanksgiving everyone! 



Adaptable Kay November 26, 2009 at 10:57 PM  

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! Hopefully you had a great holiday with your family :)

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