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December 09, 2009

Dave's Marketplace Deals for 12.11

If your new to shopping at Dave's there are just a few things to remember.  Dave's accepts manufacturer's coupons, both insert coupons, as well as printable coupons.  They do not accept competitor's coupons, nor do they double any dollar amount coupons. Its a pretty slim week this week, but here are some of the best deals.

Hood Sour Cream - BOGO FREE ($2.29)
~use 50¢/1 IP Coupon HERE (print 2)
Final Price: 2/$1.29 - or - 65¢ each

Green Giant Vegetables - 99¢ each
~use 50¢/2 IP Coupon - HERE, HERE, or HERE
Final Price: 74¢ each WYB 2

Imported Plump Blueberries (full pints) - $2.99

Progresso Bread Crumbs - 99¢
~use $1.00/2 IP Coupon - HERE, HERE or HERE
Final Price: 49¢ each WYB 2

Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamers, 32oz - $2.99
~use $1.00/1 IP Coupon - HERE
Final Price: $1.99

Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers - 4/$5.00
~use (4) 50¢/1 IP Coupons - HERE, HERE or HERE
Final Price: 4/$3.00



Deb ~ Frugal Living And Having Fun December 9, 2009 at 10:21 PM  

HEY Lady...I will be grabbing Daves and Stop & Shop in a few..Here is my Walmart...A lot of item from you could make a few $$$$

List when you have a chance...Shaws up tomorrow...

PS: Can you do next Tuesday instead (go out to eat) then Wed. as a snow date? Tuesday is when my niece is on, and I really want you guys to meet her.


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