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December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

As we say good bye to 2009, and welcome in 2010, many people will make New Year's Resolutions.  Some will stick, others will fade away after a few short days or weeks.  I have usually been in the later of the two categories.  I have usually been one that will make a resolution, and never stick to it. 

This year will be different.  As many readers know, I lost my job this past year.  I was truly devastated in the beginning.  I have been doing all that I can to scrimp, and save money.  In these last two months that I have had off from working a full time job, I have made it a priority to once again take care of myself.  Since losing my job, I have lost 34 pounds, and feel better than I have in the last 10 years.  I am eating healthier, making better decisions, walking more. I have been able to do all this, and not deprive myself of one single craving.  I have once again started to jog.  I am no longer worrying about what the next day will bring.  I know that I am on life's journey, and wherever that journey leads me, I will accept it with open arms. 

I will not be taking the day off tomorrow, I will be posting deals, bargains and freebies throughout th day tomorrow. 

Are you planning on making some New Year's Resolutions?  What are you going to attempt this year?  Leave me a comment and let me know what your 2010 goals will be. 



Anonymous December 31, 2009 at 10:36 PM  

My goal this year is to be healthier for me and for my family. My father has brain cancer and probably will not live past this next year. I have to be there for him, because I love him so much, and to be there for my mom, who needs my help. They are both elderly, 80 (he will be 81 in Jan) and 73 (she will be 74 in Jan) and I love them both so so so much, so I have to take care of myself to take care of them in this time of life, this horrible, unimaginable, unique, loving, caring time of life!! Please pray for peace for my father and my mother who I love so much!!

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