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December 02, 2009

A Huge, Thank You!

I owe a great big thank you to Deb over at Frugal Living and Having Fun.  She has graciously taken over my postings for today.  I have a terrible head cold, that I cant seem to shake.  I thought I was feeling better yesterday, but when I woke up this morning, I felt like I had been hit by a ton of bricks.  So Deb, I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work you put into my site today, it is so greatly appreciated! 



Deb ~ Frugal Living And Having Fun December 2, 2009 at 10:28 PM  

You didn't have to say anything...I was happy to do it.."smile"..I bought you a great book...I'll explain later. I bought one for you and Lynn...When would be a great time to go eat. How about a Tuesday or Wednesday evening...either next week or the week after. If you could solidity a date, then we can go with that. Lynn is pretty open to anything on those nights...I think a Wednesday would be better where we are going, because the price is reduced on Wednesday..$15 for the main meal, salad, bread/oil, desert and coffe/tea...The meals are wonderful with a lot of food and the atmosphere is great...the closer to Christmas the better...more cheer!! "smile"...

Marcie December 2, 2009 at 11:05 PM  

Oh you have a head cold too? What's happening to us? Are we passing our germs around in emails and blog posts? I have had one since Monday. No symptoms other than just the stuffy or runny nose and sneezing. It has bothered my left ear a bit. Feel drained and have chapped lips. Mostly a huge misery factor for me.

Feel better and get well soon. Spray your keyboard, mouse and screen after reading this too! LOL


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