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April 28, 2010

Couponing for Community

I came across this post on Cha Cing on a Shoestring, and thought I would pass it along to all of my own readers.  Kaley, over at Cha Ching on a Shoestring, has been busy behind the scenes to put together Couponing for Community.  You can read all about her quest HERE

If all the stockpilers got together, the impact we made could be huge!  I know the look on the faces of the people who received all of my donated Blood Glucose Monitors was priceless.  The feeling to be able to do something good for someone else who is in need is a wonderful feeling, and although my stockpile has been destroyed by the house fire we had, I know it will get back up to where it was in now time. 

Kaley is asking to give during the week of May 2nd through the 8th.  She has created a Facebook page for those who wish to participate, and share their stories.   Now, even if you can't give during this particular week, you can give any time during the year to help those who need it. 

Wont you join in her efforts?  I know I will be!


Kaley @ Cha-Ching on a Shoestring April 28, 2010 at 9:30 AM  

Wow, Brandy! I'm touched by your story. Thanks for joining us even when times are tough for you!

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