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August 15, 2010

What's the Most Common Thing Said in Your House??

I had a thought the other day that made me chuckle, and I thought to myself, I can't be the only one out there that has thought of this.  Parents today have a few select phrases, that are repeatedly said throughout the day or week. It's usually said because children seem to only hear what they want, or because we are talking to our animals, or maybe we just like to hear ourselves talk... Whatever the reason, I figured that I can't be the only one out there.  PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one out there. 

Here are the top three phrases that are repeatedly said in my house:

1.  "Get out of the toilet!"  - This is said to our dogs, who, even though they constantly have fresh, cold water in their water bowls, still feel the need to drink out of the toilets.  I probably wouldn't mind this if they knew how to wipe off the toilet seat when they were done! 

2. "I can't hear you!"  - This phrase is often said back to both our daughters who feel it is okay to yell down the hall when they have a question, rather than simply walk the 10 feet to come and ask us their question??? Why???

3.  "I can't find it." - Often said by either of our girls, who when asked to get an item from another room, somehow seem to have two broken hands, because it is impossible for them to move an item that is blocking the item asked for.  Nope, instead they just can't find it.  Then either myself, or my husband will go and get the item...hmmm, maybe they're smarter than we think they are? 

Okay, like I said, I can't be the only one out there, what are some of the most common phrases said in your house? 


Things Sent My Way August 15, 2010 at 2:59 PM  

"Andy, no!" or "Stop licking!" is pretty common with our ridgeback, but so is a pretty loving "Why are you so snarly?" when she curls up and kinda smiles with us.

I've found you through Lucas' Journey with SPD. I'm following, because you've got a really neat site.

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