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January 08, 2011

Extreme Couponing & You

Since TLC's show and newly coined phrase, "Extreme Couponing", people have been flocking to the Internet to learn more on how they too can purchase hundreds of dollars worth of products for only pennies on the dollar. There are thousands of videos on You Tube, and thousands of blogs that are claiming to be your one stop resource for savings. Truth be told, there is no 1 site out there that is the your 1 stop source. We all want to think we are, but that's just not the case. People are all different, as are blogs, and websites. Everyone has there favorites, maybe it's the color or layout that makes you steer towards one site more than another, maybe it's the way that blogger writes, maybe its the types of deals that they post. Whatever your reason, you all have your favorite ones.

With the economy, umm, let's face it, down the crapper, everyone wants, and needs to save as much money as they possibly can and they don't want to sacrifice the way they live, and news flash, you don't have to! With that, there are many opportunities out there, that bloggers are taking to cash in on people saving money. Often times defeating the whole concept of saving.

I will most likely catch a lot of flack for what I'm about to say, but here it goes anyway. You do not need a "special" binder, or a "special" coupon holder, you do not need to purchase anything. You don't need to "pay" for classes. One of the most important lessons that I have learned is that what works for one person or family, may not work for you. I have tried just about as many different methods for organizing my coupons that you can think of. I found one that works for me, and I stuck to it.

I do not bring my entire amount of coupons with me to the store. I do not use coupons because they might be expiring soon, I do not use coupons for items that I know I will not use in the future. All of the items that I just listed, I found defeated my purpose of saving my family money.

I do my leg work and researching at home, with my laptop, sale ads, and my incredibly handy phone apps, I am able to make a list according to the sales, and coupons that I have, and stick to only that list.

Extreme Couponers have stockpiles. Stockpiling is a smart thing to do, if you do it right. To me, 4000 rolls of toilet paper is not the right way of doing it. I mean, you're taking up a huge portion of your house for something that is going to take you 40 years to use. and in those 40 years, toilet paper, I guarantee you will go on sale again at least another 200 times! Also, stockpiling a 12 month supply of pot roast, because you have a freezer in your garage, isn't a bright idea either. Simply put, items get freezer burn. Saving money, doesn't mean sacrificing taste.

Here's what you need to get started right this instant. An Internet connection, a printer, coupons, sale ads, and a willingness to set aside a few minutes each day to do some research. That's it. Big surprise.

Now, I will be out getting some errands done, and taking care of a sick husband for a while today. I will however be posting later on today more on Extreme Couponing, stockpiling, and how to not get swept up in the hype of it all.


Anonymous January 8, 2011 at 4:49 PM  

You hit the nail on the head! I ran out of ink on my printer before Christmas and never got a refill. I had some coupons from the paper and some I had received in the mail. I spent $75 LESS than normal! (I shop once a month) I have realized that I was almost getting that "hoarding" mentality! Now I am less stressed at the store and saved a lot of time too! I guess it really is different for everyones particular needs!

Sara January 8, 2011 at 5:42 PM  

I agree with what you said. Everything works different for everyone and you have to find what works for you. After a year+ of couponing, Ive finally found the best system that works for me. I also just realized how much I am paying in sales tax (7%) for items I won't use, which I am now taking into consideration, even if they are "free."

Amanda Hamilton January 8, 2011 at 7:22 PM  

I absolutely agree! Couldn't have said it better. Everyone is different, and has different needs. So aside from a form of saving your coupons what do you recommend people need to know or do?

Jennifer January 8, 2011 at 8:35 PM  

Thank u so much. This was said so well. Sometimes i get bummed because i feel like i am not doing enough or am not saving the right coupons or such, and it upsets me, seems like i miss out on all the good deals. But a good deal isnt that good when u dont need the item or wont use it.
If anyone wants to email me, id lve some stories and/or penpals.... thanks again!

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