January 01, 2011
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year's Eve last night. My husband and I spent ringing in the New Year with Lynyrd Skynyrd at Foxwoods Casino last night. It was a great time, and a great way to spend New Years.
I was thinking all day yesterday about New Year's, what it means, and how different things affect different people. Whether you call them resolutions or goals, it's all the same, you're striving for something more, or something different. Some people spend time reflecting on what the past year brought them, or how they wished they had done something differently. Some of us think about how we can better themselves, and yet some even create larger goals to reach for.
2010 has taught me several great life lessons that I will carry with me always. I learned that absolutely no one in this world is perfect. I learned how to truly forgive. I have learned what it feels like to be truly forgiven. I have learned that in an instant, you can lose everything, so embrace, enjoy, and love, every single day. I have learned that no matter what life brings you, you can indeed bring yourself through it. I have learned that I cannot do everything, everyday, but I can do everything, everyday if I ask for help. I have learned that I am married to one of the world's greatest men. He is my best friend, my rock, my soul mate, and I don't want to go this road on life's path without him...Ever.
2010 was a year that will be remembered by our family for a multitude of reasons, both good as well as bad. We will not dwell on the why's, or should haves.
We will embrace 2011, and welcome it with open arms. I am looking forward to what 2011 has in store for me, for my family, for my friends. I have made my resolutions, as well as create some goals for myself, both professionally and personally, and I am looking forward to making the most of each and everyday.
So to everyone, may 2011 bring you health, happiness and peace. I will be taking the rest of today off to get some much needed things done, and spend time with my family.
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