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February 28, 2011

Where Are All Those Coupons?

This was a post that I posted a year or so ago.  I figured with many new readers coming to Brandy's Big Bargains to learn how to be an Extreme Couponer, and save as much money as they can, it was time to repost this.  I hope you enjoy it again. 

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of places where you can find, coupons. You just have to know where to look and who to ask.

♦ Sunday Inserts. You may live in an area that also carries the weekly coupon inserts in their Saturday edition. Check your local store on Saturday Evening if you are one of the lucky ones. Why do I say "lucky"? Well it's simple, the Saturday Edition is usually half the price of the Sunday Paper.

♦ Doctors offices, yes that's right, doctor's offices. Thumb through the magazines, you'll be surprised at just how many coupons you can find here. Many magazines now a days carry coupons in them. One of the best magazines for this is the All You Magazine. All You is only available at Walmart. Other magazines that host coupons include, Woman's Day, RedBook, Ladies Home Journal, and many more.

♦ Online. Okay, this is a given. You can find a coupon for just about everything at one point in time or another. Just make sure you have the appropriate coupon printer software downloaded. If you don't when you try and print the coupon, you won't be able to. Not to worry though, most will walk you through the steps to download. The two major printers, are the Smartsource Coupon Printer, and the Bricks Coupon Printer.

♦ 800 Numbers. Many companies carry an 800 number on their products. Call it, and ask if you can be sent some coupons. This is very helpful when you are a brand loyal person. Let them know how much you like their product, and would like some coupons. I did this with a tuna fish company, to my surprise they sent me 10 coupons.

♦ The Grocery / Drug Store Aisles. Many times you will find coupons near a certain product. Some times they are in an automatic machine that will spit one coupon out at a time, these are known as "Blinkies". Other times there is a pad of coupons located near the product. I'll be honest here, I am one that will usually take two or four of the same coupon. I do this for 1 reason. Sometimes there will be a BOGO sale, and I would be able to use 2 coupons and get the item really cheap or often times even FREE.

♦ Ask family and friends for their inserts that they aren't going to use. This is where I get many of my coupons.

♦ If you are friendly with a store manager where they carry the newspapers, ask if they throw out left over Sunday or Saturday papers. If they do, ask if you can buy the left overs at a discount on Monday.

♦ Sign up online with your favorite companies. They will often send out newsletters with a coupon or two that you can print out.


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