Find us on Google+ 70% off Restaurant Dot Com! ~ Brandy's Big Bargains

May 11, 2011

70% off Restaurant Dot Com!

It's that time again!  You can grab gift cards to some of your favorite restaurants at a 70% discount their already reduced prices! 

Here's how it works,  Restaurant dot com has thousands of gift cards to local restaurants, for example, you'd pay $20.00 for a $40.00 gift card.  The stipulation is, you must spend a minimum of say $65.00, which for even a family of four isn't that hard to do.  So here's what your bill might look like:

Total Bill = $67.00
Use Gift Card = $27.00
Now it cost you $20.00 for the gift card
Your total price you paid for the dinner would be = $47.00
For a savings of $20.00

Now with the 70% off sale that's running right now through May 14th, your bill would now look like this:

Total Bill = $67.00
Use Gift Card = $27.00
Now it cost you $8.00 for the gift card
Your total price you paid for the dinner would now be = $35.00
For a savings of $32.00

Just remember to enter the promotional code TASTY at checkout to get your 70% off!  Get yours today!


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