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May 19, 2011

Green Item of The Week

This week's Green pick of the week, is a rain collection system.  A great way to start being Green a little more!   Once we start redesigning our yard, and garden beds, we will be installing a couple of these to use for watering the vegetable gardens. 

These are simple to install, and work with almost all existing rain gutters.  How many times throughout the hotter months, do you hear on your local news that water bans are now in effect?  All to often if you ask me.  Why turn on the hose, when you can simply turn on the spout to one of these great collection units? 

This is a 52 gallon rain collection unit. With a removeable filter on top, no debris or bugs will be able to invade the inside.  You can purchase this item for less than $35 through Lakeside Collection, and if your a member of My Points, you can shop through their site to earn points back on your purchase!


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