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May 12, 2011

Stop & Shop Highlights for 5/13

This is one of those better sale weeks that I have seen lately at Stop & Shop.  Here's hoping we start to see more of this. 


Strawberries, 16oz Packages - B1G1 FREE

Grape Tomatoes, Pint Size Package - B1G1 FREE

Del Monte Fruit Naturals Cups - 10/$10.00
~use $1.00/2 mfr coupon from 3/27 SS Insert (exp 5/15)
Final Price: as low as 50¢ for every 2 you buy with a coupon

Fresh Kiwi Fruits - 5/$1.00

Stop & Shop Romaine Hearts - $2.99

Fresh Blueberries or Blackberries - $2.99 pint

Meats & Deli:

Perdue Split Chicken Breasts - B1G1 FREE

Whole Boneless Pork Loins - $1.99 lb

Oscar Mayer Beef Franks - B1G1 FREE
~use $1.00/1 mfr coupon found on some packages
Final Price: Varies (at the very least 50% savings)

**What I can't believe is that Stop & Shop is calling $4.29 a pound for 85% lean ground beef a deal!  A deal.  Here in RI on 85% lean ground beef, a deal is $2.99 or less, preferrably, $2.49 lb** 


Entemann's Baked Goods - B1G1 FREE
~use $1.00/1 Printable (6 pack mini's using zip code 10001)
Final Price: Varies

Utz Potato Chips - B1G1 FREE

Stop & Shop Shredded Cheeses - 2/$4.00

Prince Pasta - 10/$10.00

Kellogg's Select Cereals - Save $6 instantly when you buy 4 packages
~use 70¢/1 Kellogg's Raisin Bran Printable
~use $1.00/3 Printable Kellogg's Coupons
~use $1.00/1 Crunchy Nut mfr coupon found on packages
Final Price: Varies

Stop & Shop Onion Soup Mix - 69¢

Bertolli Pasta Sauce - 2/$4.00
~use $1.50/2 mfr coupon from 4/17 RP Insert (exp 5/15)
Final Price: 2/$2.50

Stop & Shop Pitted Olives - 10/$10.00

Kraft Salad Dressing - 2/$4.00
~use $1.00/2 mfr coupon from 5/15 RP Insert
Final Price: 2/$3.00

Weber Marinade Select Varieties - 10/$10.00
~use $1.00/1 mfr coupon from 3/27 SS Insert
Final Price: FREE

Kellogg's Pop Tarts - 3/$5.00
*Must buy 3*
~use $1.00/3 mfr coupon from 5/15 RP Insert
Final Price: 3/$4.00

Orbit Gum - B1G1 FREE
~use B1G1 FREE mfr coupon found on tearpads
~use $1.00/2 mfr coupon from 4/17 SS Insert
Final Price: as low as Both for FREE

Nature's Valley Granola Bars - B2G1 FREE

Stop & Shop Original English Muffins - 99¢ each

Mrs. Dash Seasonings - $2.49
~use 50¢/1 mfr coupon from 5/8 SS Insert
Final Price: $1.49 after doubling

Philly Cooking Creme - 2/$5.00
~use $1.50/1 mfr coupon from home mailer
~use $1.50/1 mfr coupon found on tearpad
~use $1.50/1 mfr coupon found on tearpad
Final Price: as low as 2/$2.00 if you have 2 coupons

Minute Maid 64 oz Cartons - 99¢
~use $1.00/2 mfr coupon from tearpad
Final Price: 49¢ when you buy 2


Wisk Laundry Detergent, 100 oz - $8.99
~use $2.00/1 mfr coupon from 5/15 RP Insert
Final Price: $6.99

Purex Laundry Detergent, 50 oz - $1.99
~use $1.00/1 mfr coupon from 5/1 RP Insert
Final Price: 99¢

Air Wick Freshmatic Starter Kit - $6.99
~use $4.00/1 mfr coupon from 4/17 SS Insert
Final Price: $2.99


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