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May 09, 2011

This Week's Top Green Pick

Do you find yourself pulling out a plastic bag to place your snacks for school or work in each and every morning?  Have you ever done the math on just how many of these little plastic bags you use in a years time?  I have, and the number shocked me. 

This week's top Green pick comes from ecolunchgear, and is a great inexpensive way to help the enviornment.  This is a "Snack Bag", and is one great little invention.  This is an envelope with a Velcro closure on the top flap. Made of 100% organic cotton with a sturdy nylon liner. The bag is uniquely designed for easy cleanup - the sides open up so there are no trapped crumbs. The label is designed large enough so you have a place to write your name, and is approximate size is 3 1/2" x 6". 

One of the greatest features of ecolunchgear, is that all their products are machine washable!  Yep, machine washable.  When I ever read that I was hooked, I couldn't believe that I could honestly just toss these little green products right into a cold wash. 

With a variety of different colored fabrics, and at just $9.50 it's a great item to start getting green with. 


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