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June 16, 2011

Color By Numbers Review & Giveaway

I was recently asked to review a Color by Numbers computer application program geared towards children.  When I first agreed, I was having some second thoughts, thinking that this was probably geared towards smaller children.  It took me a few days to download the software, because I will admit, I just really didn't think it would be something that my girls would be into, since they were now dreaded teenagers.  I'm sure if your "little ones" are teenagers, you know how that can be. 

However I did indeed download the software, which took all of two minutes.  and I started to navigate my way around the pictures, and try my own hand at coloring in the pictures, first by the suggested numbers, then by free style, where I could decide my own colors. 

I then realized that I had been on for some 20 mintues coloring these pictures myself, when I pulled my girls over to my computer, and had them color these pictures.  Keeping in mind that my girls are 13 years old, I know they still love to create pictures.  I had to laugh, because they were both so into coloring these pictures, I had a flash back to a simpler time when my girls were little, and we could spend hours coloring at the diningroom table.  And that's when it hit me.  This was indeed a fantastic product. 

What exactly is Color by Numbers?  This is a computer application that's compatible with Windows, Linux as well as Mac.  It's multi-lingual, and comes in three different series to choose from.  There's music and sounds to keep children amused.   You can download the Animals version, the Princess version, or the Cars & Trucks version, so it truly fits all types of children. 

Children will develop computer skills, color names, learn numbers and build creativity while having fun.  With everything going tech, children's products are no different, and this is a great program to use with your children while creating fun, quality family time with them.  Colors by Numbers is one of the more creative products that I have been able to review in some time. 

Now, for the really fun part.  I am giving away 3 Serial Numbers to 1 lucky winner!  1 reader will receive 1 serial number for each of the three catagories.  Here's what you need to do:

Mandatory Entry:
~ Head over to Colors By Numbers website, and take a look around, where you can also color a trial picture before deciding to purchase.  Come back and let me know what your thoughts are.

Additional Entries:
~ Follow me on Twitter, and Tweet about this giveaway.  You can do this 1 per day for 1 entry per day.

~ Sign up for my email newsletter.  (Just remember to confirm your subscription, as only active subscriptions will be considered.)

Winners will be chosen through on June 30th at 6pm.

Good Luck!!

** I was supplied with serial numbers as compensation to review this product.  This review contains 100% my own opinion, no compensation ever affects the outcome of any review. 


Donna G. June 18, 2011 at 8:38 AM  

I love that you can color these with your own colors,

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