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June 22, 2011

What To Do With Left Over....

Pickle Juice.  Yes, that's right, I did indeed say left over pickle juice.

My husband and I are always looking for ways to save a little money, and pickles is one of those items that never last long in my house.   We are brand loyal to only a handful of items in our household.  Claussen Pickles is one of those brand loyal items.  That was until we found out how to make our own with the help of Claussen!   I think one of these reasons why Claussen pickles are so delicious, is due to the fact that they never cook their cucumbers.  They're always packed cold, shipped cold, and stored cold. 

We had a light bulb moment several days ago. 

We always save the left over pickle juice, and add will add pickles that we buy in bulk to the Claussen pickle jars, so they soak up the garlic flavor that the Claussen has, as well as the bucket we buy of pickles will not fit in our fridge in the kitchen, so keeping these smaller jars on hand is a huge space saver. 

Well, several days ago, a local grocery store had cucumbers on sale, so we bought extras for a little experiment we were planning on doing.  We sliced the cucumbers up, about a quarter to a half inch in thickness.  Placed all the slices into one of the left over Claussen Pickle juice. 

Each day we shook up the jar a few times, and after about the third day we tried them.  I honestly have never had a pickle that tasted so incredibly fresh!  Claussen pickles taste fresh, but not this fresh! We enjoyed them so much, we now have four new jars of our homemade pickles being soaked in the fridge right this very moment!

So the next time your thinking about throwing out that left over pickle juice, try slicing up a cucumber for some really fresh pickles in a few days time! 

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cman June 22, 2011 at 6:40 PM  

I want to try this too! First cucumbers and then move onto carrot sticks :)

Anonymous June 23, 2011 at 8:08 AM  

what a fantastic idea! I can't wait to try this!

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