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July 21, 2011

I'm a Nutrisystem Nation Blogger!

It's time to be honest.  238 pounds.  That's my number.  That's the number that I don't tell anyone, and now I'm listing it here, for the world to see.  That's a shocking number for me to admit to.  As I type it, I still don't quite believe it, and am quite ashamed to admit it at all, never mind on my own blog. 

However, I have some pretty exciting news to share.  I have been chosen as a Nutrisystem Nation Blogger!  It's time for me to start saying a number like 165, maybe 160.   I know that at 5 foot 9 inches, I will never be 113... I wouldn't want to.  Healthy, yes.  Gaunt, no.

I didn't have weight issues growing up.  In fact I have some pretty awesome pictures of myself in my younger days.  Day's when I could absolutely chow down on burgers, pizza, and fries and not have a care in the world.  Boy how the times change for some of us. 

Bring on marriage, twins, jobs, and life in general, and before I knew it, a decade had passed in an uneventful moment. I was no longer the person I used to be, no longer the size 8 that I once was, no longer the person I want to be, at least not physically. 

Just about a year and a half ago, many readers may remember that we experienced a house fire, then a house flood, and with all the stress (At least I thought it was all stress.) I managed to lose close to 45 pounds.  Come to find out, I was diagnosed with Lyme's Disease.  After receiving months of treatment, and having no choice but to eat out every night, due to the fact that we had no kitchen... The weight came back, and then some.

I have noticed that being heavier, I am much less outgoing.  I really don't enjoy as much as I want to enjoy.  I also know that I haven't been able to do-it alone either.  So for the next four months I will be posting my journey with Nutrisystem, as a Nutrisystem Nation Blogger. 

I also know that more support means more success, so I have enlisted a very good friend of mine to be each other's exercising "buddy", and a "lean-to" support for when we really want that coffee coolatta, or the king size Snicker's bar. 

My goal?  I have three.  To be healthy.  To show my own daughters that you can do absolutely anything you set your mind to, and to be "One Hot Momma" for Christmas!

Want to join me in getting healthy, and lose some weight?  Join me today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting Nutrisystem.

Disclosure: Nutrisystem will be providing me with support and food for the next four months as compensation.


Anonymous July 21, 2011 at 3:09 PM  

Thank you for being so candidly honest! I can't wait to read your Nutrisystem journey!

Monique Bradford ~The WifeyMommyPreneur July 21, 2011 at 3:23 PM  

Good luck to you on your journey to better health and a sexy Hott Momma Body! Thanks for sharing this with us! I look forward to hearing all about your Nutrisystem Journey. I am now following you. I'd love it if you would return the favor~ :)

Annie July 22, 2011 at 9:30 AM  

Wow. I don't think I could ever be THAT honest! I'm looking forward to reading more of your nutrisystem journey

Donna July 22, 2011 at 6:24 PM  

Awsome blog! We will do this! By the time we are done we will be so hot we will be on fire!! Two hot mommas!!

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