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July 27, 2011

Nutrisystem Nation Blogger ~ Week 1

As my journey as a Nutrisystem Nation Blogger begins, I am both optimistic and excited.  I am also a bit terrified.  I do not take failure well. 
I received my package of foods the other day.  I couldn’t wait to see just exactly what I was getting myself into.  I will admit, I was a bit shocked at the portion sizes.  These look more like the size you would give to a child.  The more I thought about this the more I realized, as a culture, we are bombarded with “big”. 
Televisions, magazines, and media alike, “big” is forced upon us.  Forced upon us to the point where we have forgotten just what a “normal” portion size is supposed to be.   So when you begin a program like this, it can be overwhelming.  You begin to think to yourself, “No way, this can work.”  “I’m going to be starving all day.”
Now I knew right away that when I opened this package of food up, there would be no way I would be able to stick to this as it stood; however, with the Nutrisystem plan, you add the fresh fruits and vegetables…thank goodness!
So last night hubby and I took a trip to the local grocery store, and filled the carriage with fresh vegetables like, broccoli, romaine lettuce, green peppers, onions, mushrooms, zucchini and carrots.  I added fruits like mangos and blueberries. 
I had a few reservations about the taste, until I began actually tasting them.  I have had lunches like the Three Cheese Pasta with Chicken, and the Fudge Graham Bar, with salads of course, breakfasts like the Berries & Multigrain Flakes, Cheese Ravioli Dinner, and Strawberry Shortcake Dessert.  All of which taste, just as good as they sound. 
The biggest challenge I think I’ll be facing over the next couple of weeks, will be re-training my brain into what a normal size portion should be.   
I will say this.  By exercising each morning, and now using the Nutrisystem meals to re-train myself, I am down 4 whole pounds this week! 

Want to join me in getting healthy, and lose some weight?  Join me today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting Nutrisystem.

Disclosure: Nutrisystem will be providing me with support and food for the next four months as compensation.


Ellen April 27, 2012 at 12:00 PM  

Brandy... how exciting to begin this journey. My brother-in-law lost 60+ lbs.

Question: How did you become a Nutrisystem Nation blogger? I'm assuming you have received the program in lieu of money for your reviews. I'd love to try Nutrisystem, but just can't afford it.

Thanks for your help!

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