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July 21, 2011

Seabra Highlights for 7/21

There will be a great 3 day only sale taking place July 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. 

3 Day Only Sale:

♦ Boneless & Skinless Chicken Breat - $1.59 lb
♦ Plumrose Sliced Bacon - $2.99
♦ Top Round Roast Beef - $4.49 lb
♦ Keebler Chips Deluxe Cookies - $1.88
♦ Cheez-It Crackers - $1.98
♦ Medium White Eggs - 88¢ doz.


♦ Extra Large Sweet Peaches - 99¢ lb
♦ Fresh Blueberries - 2/$5.00
♦ Iceberg Lettuce - 99¢ each
♦ New Crop Florida Avocados - 2/$3.00
♦ Grape Tomatoes - 2/$3.00

Meat & Deli:

♦ Fresh Whole Pork Spare Ribs - $1.99 lb
♦ Boneless Round Tip Steaks - $3.49 lb
♦ Boneless Round Tip Roast - $2.99 lb
♦ Thin Sliced Boneless Chicken Breast Cutlets - $1.99 lb


Best Yet Assorted Pastas - 88¢

Cap'n Crunch Cereal - $2.22
~use $1.00/2 mfr coupon from 4/17 RP Insert
Final Price: $1.72 each wyb 2

Wacky Mac Pasta - $1.29
~use $1.00/2 mfr coupon from 5/8 SS Insert
Final Price: 79¢ each wyb 2

Pennsylvannia Dutch Mushrooms - 89¢
~use 25¢/2 mfr coupon from tearpad
Final Price: 64¢ each after doubling wyb 2

Coffee-Mate Flavored Coffee Creamers - 2/$4.00
~use $1.00/2 mfr coupon from BLINKIE machine
Final Price: 2/$3.00

Swiss Premium Iced Tea - 99¢
~use 75¢/1 mfr coupon from 6/26 SS Insert
Final Price: 24¢

Luigi's Italian Ice - 2/$5.00
~use 2 - 50¢/1 mfr coupon from 7/24 RP Insert
Final Price: 2/$3.00 after doubling


Quilted Northern Bath Tissue, 12 roll - 2/$11.00
~use $1.00/1 mfr coupon from home mailer
Final Price: as low as 2/$10.00

Brawny Paper Towels, 8 Rolls - 2/$11.00
~use 50¢/1 mfr coupon from 5/15 RP Insert
Final Price: 2/$9.00 after doubling, when you use 2 coupons


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