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October 01, 2011

100% Proceeds Go To Fight Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer.  It's a disease that kills thousands each year, and thousands more are newly diagnosed.  It's a topic that's very close to my own heart, and highly prevalent in my own family, which is why I will be going in the next few weeks for my own "baseline" mammography. 

Head over to Big Dogs today, and grab this great t-shirt for just $10.00, with 100% of the proceeds going to support the "Walking For Hope" charity. 

I just ordered mine! 

**Disclosure:  I have been in no way, shape, or form compensated for this post, nor will I earn any compensation for any purchase made.  This is a topic that's very close to my own heart, and fully support the efforts in raising awareness, and funds for the cure of Breast Cancer.**


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