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December 24, 2012

From Our Family To Yours...

December 25th.  The one day that many of us wait for all year.  Seems like forever,and then "Bam" it's upon us.  It never ceases to amaze me at just how quickly it actually comes. 
The "Santa's Watching" doesn't quite have the pull that it once did, but that's okay. 
Phrases like "Santa like when little girls help their moms" and "If your bedroom isn't clean, Santa may think you might have too many toys"...
have been replaced with...
"I can always return" and "Maybe I'll give your sister the extra one".
So whether your 2 or 82,
I would like to say from our Family..
To Yours,
May you all have a very Merry, Safe and Joyous Holiday. 


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