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December 30, 2012

Getting Organized - Making it Simple

Yep.  New Year's is just about here, and many of us are making those same old resolutions, that seem to last a short time. 

Organization was always on my list.  Every.  Year. 

That was until I got real, and made things simple.

One thing I learned when working for a large global company, was that if you deleted an old email, sooner or later it would come back to bite you right in the "You-Know-Where".

So I have always saved my emails.  I have emails from 2009. 

I used to have like 3 dozen different folders, and could never remember where I put certain emails.  Or, I would have to sort through older emails, just to find the one I needed. 

Until I realized that I really only needed to have a select few folders, and thus would, and has made it SO much easier to find something that I was looking for. 

I organize all my emails by the year, and with in each of the years, they are organized by month.  The only thing that I have separated are my receipts for items I purchase. 

I cannot tell you just how much this has saved me, or save my time when having to go back and find an email. 

So there you go, an easy simple to keep system that you can start today at getting organized in 2013! 


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