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February 22, 2013

Kind Snacks Review & Giveaway!

I'm a snacker.  I will often grab a granola bar or some sort throughout the day to keep myself going.  Never really paying attention to labels and what not, but recently my family have decided we need to eat a little healthier, but more importantly, be more conscience of the ingredients we were putting in our bodies.  With that said, I have been looking more at ingredients.  

I was recently sent a box full of samples from Kind Snacks to try out.  Being a new "Label Reader" I was pleasantly surprised to spot 2 major items on the label.

The first, I could absolutely pronounce every ingredient listed.  Ingredients that you can clearly see too.

Just by looking at my spoonful, you can see the flax seeds, and whole grain, gluten free oats!  With 5 grams of Protein, No GMO's, low sodium, low glycemic, and no refined sugars, their Healthy Grains Granola is truly healthy.  

Secondly, the elusive words,  "Made in the USA" 

Honestly, before I tried the Healthy Grains Vanilla Blueberry Clusters, I really did think that it would be somewhat lacking in flavor.  I opened the bag, grabbed a small handful, and tried it.  There was flavor!  While the flavor wasn't overpowering, it was absolutely delish.  So I filled up a small cup and added milk, and thought to myself, I could definitely have this for breakfast in the mornings.  It was quick and easy and knowing that it wasn't just easy and quick, but also good for me, made me feel good.

Will I be putting this on my grocery list?  You Bet!  Want to try these for yourself?  Well you can, I'm giving away to 1 lucky reader  18, yes I said 18, of Kind Snacks, snack bars!  

The contest opens at 10:30 am February 22, 2013, and will close on March 5th, 2013 at 9:30 am

Good Luck!  

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