Find us on Google+ Top 10 Dave's Marketplace Deals Starting 2/22 ~ Brandy's Big Bargains

February 20, 2013

Top 10 Dave's Marketplace Deals Starting 2/22

Not much this week as far as coupon deals go, but here's the best deals for the week!

California Fresh Healthy Broccoli Crowns - 99¢ lb

Fresh Boneless and Skinless Chicken Breasts - $1.99 lb

Russer Low Salt Ham Sliced Fresh - $2.99 lb

Sweet & Juicy Strawberries - B1G1 FREE

Cabot Shredded Cheese - 2/$5.00
~use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final Price: 2/$4.00

Ronzoni Pasta - 5/$5.00

Adironack 2 Liter Soda or Seltzer Water - 59¢ each

Lay's Potato Chips - B1G1 FREE

Fenway Beef Franks - B1G1 FREE

USDA Choice Boneless Bottom Round Roast - $2.99 lb


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