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May 24, 2013

HOT Staples Deal

staples hard drive coupon

If you don't already have a hard drive, I cannot express enough the importance of having one of these.  Through tomorrow, you can print out one of these coupons, and head to Staples, and get some pretty big savings on a Toshiba Hard Drive.  ( I bought both my girls this brand, and love the easiness of it)

Having learned my lesson the hard way after our first house fire back in 2010, I lost many important files, like our taxes, and loads of photos.  Afterwards, we purchased one of these and began backing up everything.  Each time I would finish backing up the computers, I would place this little hard drive into my purse, never thinking that we would experience another devastating event.  Well, having a second house fire 2 years later, the one thing that came to my mind was "I was so glad that I had everything backed up"  

Even if you don't want to carry it around with you, once you back up your computer, you can always place the drive into a fire proof safe.  

With so many devasting events that are happening around us, like Tornados, floods, hurricanes, don't wait until it's too late, buy this today, and get some piece of mind.  


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