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June 30, 2009

Petsmart Coupons!

If you know me, you know I spend quite a bit of time here, at Petsmart! With one Lab, and one English Mastiff, you could say that I go through a little dog food! (insert laughter here!) Okay, I go through more than a little! However I go through many other things, such as dog treats, and TOYS! Lots and lots of toys! Boon's(Mastiff) favorite? The Wubba Kong! I can't tell you how many of these toys I go through. This is a Wubba:

Boon can completely destroy this toy within an hour. My only wish, is that they lasted longer. We're not really sure what it is about this toy that Boon loves so much, whether it's the squeaker, or the tails that hit him in the side of the head when he shakes it, we just don't know. If there was ever a spokes dog for this, hands down it should be Boon!

If you go through toys, and food like I do, you will appreciate this coupon. Here is a $5.00 off of a $25.00 purchase. Click HERE to print yours out.


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