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June 24, 2009

Reaching My Goals

I have been going to Blogging School, sort of. Okay, so maybe it's not a real school, but it IS a blog loaded with lots of great information on becoming a successful blogger. Where is this you ask? I go to ALC-Blogschool! This blog is run by Ginger who also runs the Attention Target Shoppers Blog. She has taken many of the newbie bloggers under her wings, and helped us to discover the art of successful blogging. I guess you can say she has become a mentor of mine.
With that said, I have come up with a list of goals, and I am asking everyone who enjoys my blog for their help. My first and biggest goal is to have 500 subscribers by Christmas this year. Will you help me achieve my goal?
If you enjoy my blog, and have family and friends who ask you where you get your bargains, and deals from, please give them my website address, and help me get to 500! If you have a blog, please feel free to grab my button. And again thanks for all your support. You, the readers are the reason why I spend countless hours, scouring the web to find the deals, and freebies.

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Marcie June 24, 2009 at 11:24 PM  


I'm a good cheerleader. My life's calling. :)

You are doing well and as for your goal, you'll get there. See it. Taste it. Live it. Exceed it. The sky is the limit.

I'm proud of you. You are a shining example of what anyone with a burning desire can do. It is my pleasure to cheer you on, show you a new way or maybe give you a swift kick if needed. LOL

Thanks for the links!


Shawna June 25, 2009 at 8:34 AM  

That's a great goal! I know you can do it! I had heard about the blogging school, but I hadn't actually visited. You've inspired me to start going to blogging school, too! Thanks. :)

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