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October 27, 2009

Job Searching & Networking

Vista Print

I posted about Vista Print a few weeks ago, but I recently had the opportunity to attend a fantastic outplacement seminar regarding losing your job, and how to obtain a new job.

In this seminar, a big discussion came up about networking, and the how to's of networking, and where to go to network and so on.  That's when our instructor, said something about having a card that you can distribute.  Seeing as I was in a room with about 15 of my other collegues who have lost their jobs, I know first hand that money can be tight.  So I told everyone in the room about Vista Print.  You can have 250 business cards made up for free.  You will only pay the shipping and handling charges which typically run less then $10.00.

When picking out a card design, to distribute among many people who you wish to network with I would suggest picking out a very simple design.  You're not going to want to pick out something with kittens or puppies.  You are going to want to be taken seriously, Vista Print has many simple and plain free designs to choose from.  So if your in the job market, order some free business cards today, and start networking! 



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