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October 27, 2009

A Reflecting Moment...

I was spending a little time this morning catching up on reading some of my favorite blogs, seeing as I have had barely any time lately to sleep let alone read!  Well getting back to my point, my good friend Deb over at Frugal Living and Having Fun! wrote a beautiful post on her daughter's upcoming surgery.  And because I'm nosey, I like reading all the comments that people leave on posts that they like on my site as well as everyone else's site! 

Seeing all the wonderful comments and well wishes that come when a fellow blogger is going through a difficult time is just amazing to me.  This thought has dawned on me in previous months, but another wonderful fellow blogger hit the nail on the head when she summed it up in a single sentence.  "It's the YaYa Sisterhood of the blog"  That was said by Nancy, over at Raging Bear Ranch.   I could not have put it in better terms!  This world of "bloggers" that I have entered is truly an amazing one.  I have met so many wonderful people through blogging, and had opportunities that I would have never known had I not "jumped" in. 

In a little less than one week, Deb, whom I finally met in person last Friday at an AJ Wright event we both attended, will be going through the nerve wracking situation of waiting in a room, waiting for word that her daughter's surgery is over, and the words "you can now see her" never seem to come fast enough.  I know that situation all too well, and will be there myself in a little less than 2 weeks with both my girls...again.  I am hoping that we will be passing each other in the halls of Hasbro Children's Hospital to give additional comfort to each other!  I know that it doesn't matter if it's a first surgery or a tenth surgery, if it's a loved one, like your child, it doesn't get any easier.  When you're in that waiting room for 2, 6, 12 hours, there are many things that run through your mind.  the thought that so many people are praying for you is a comforting one.

  So on a personal note....  Deb, I wish you all the best, and I'll see you at Hasbro!



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