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October 27, 2009

Tips 2 Try Tuesday

It's Tuesday once again, and I've got lots of great tips to make your days of cleaning a little easier, and greener! 

Laundry Tips

♦ Instead of using Bleach to whiten your cotton or linen, try boiling them in a pot with 1 part Cream of Tater to 3 parts water.

♦ Smelly work clothes?  I used to have to wash my husband's work clothes separately when he worked for a previous company, until I found this trick! Try adding a half cup of household ammonia to the wash!

♦ Pantyhose will resist runs better if they are lightly starched.

♦ Want whiter socks?  Try boiling them in hot water, and add a lemon wedge to the pot!

♦ Need to clean your washer?  Why by washer cleaner...  Just run an empty large load with warm water, and add a gallon of distilled vinager to the load.  Not only will it clean the washer, but it will also remove built up soap scum in the hoses!

♦ Spray new Tennis shoes with starch before wearing, to maintain the whiteness!

♦ If you've accidentally washed a wool sweater, try soaking the item in warm water, and add some hair shampoo to the mix.  It may loosen the wool fibers enough to reshape the item.  This does not ALWAYS work, but I have "fixed" a sweater a couple of times. 



Adaptable Kay October 27, 2009 at 10:54 PM  

Wonderful tips!
I didn't even know you could do half that stuff ^.^

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