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September 03, 2010

Gluten Free

A growing number of individuals are identifying their gluten intolerance symptoms  and Celiac Disease symptoms, and discovering their sensitivity to gluten. This just aired on one of my favorite shows, Dr. Oz.  I DVR this show everyday, and love watching it!  Being gluten intolerant doesn’t have to stop your ability to live a healthy, happy life. There isn’t a simple single test to give you an outright answer and the best and most comprehensive research on the matter has only become widespread in recent years. While sometimes a simple blood test (an antibody level profile testing for AGA and Anti-tTG) may tell you whether you have celiac disease, if you test negative you may still experience gluten allergy symptoms, often referred to as Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS).

Adults experiencing anemia, infertility or osteoporosis should discuss the possibility of gluten intolerance with their primary care physician. The most common symptoms are gastrointestinal problems (or gastrointestinal distress) such as diarrhea, flatulence, gas and bloating. Other symptoms may include joint pain, fatigue and headaches but many other peripheral symptoms may also lead to a celiac disease diagnosis or non-Celiac gluten sensitivity.

If you experience any of these symptoms, and have yet to be diagnosed with anything, you may be sensitive to Gluten, and the best way to find out, is to eliminate Gluten from your diet.  If you begin to feel better,  you may infact have a sensitivity to Gluten.   Download this FREE ebook for 42 Gluten Free recipes.


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