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January 30, 2011

Why I Love The MyGetTogether Program

This past Saturday I had the wonderful opportunity to host a Yoplait Party with MyGetTogether, and have it filmed.  This is probably one of my favorite programs that I am a current member of.  To be able to participate in the MyGetTogether program you have to be a member of the General Mills' Pssst network

(This is my Fridge.  We uploaded several pictures of Yoplait, and put a slideshow on while the party was going on!  Gotta love technology!)

First I have to say the people from MyGetTogether where just so awesome, and friendly.  The producer Michelle was great, and definitely put my mind at ease a little when it came to the filming part!  This was my first party that I have ever hosted, for a product I should say.  I love to cook, and create new dishes, and to be able to do this with a specific product in mind was just great.  Talk about getting your creative juices flowing! 

(Being in RI, with all this snow, it's only natural we used snow to keep everything cold!)

(This was an inflatable Salad Buffet, that I borrowed from a good friend... I have to get my own, this was a cool thing to have!)

Yoplait & MyGetTogether provided me as well as my guests with some fantastic giveaways.  Items like jump ropes, and duffel bags.  Everything one would need to get that kick start for a healthier them.   We played Guess the flavor, and I think everyone's taste buds needed a little work.  It was a great time, and I was amazed that later that night, I got a few phone calls and emails from friends and family letting me know just how much they enjoyed the party.  Everyone had a great time, and everyone was so relaxed... well except for me of course.  I had a mic on the whole time, and this being the first thing that I ever had filmed, was a little on the nerve wracking side, but I got through it, and of course it helped that my husband kept telling me that I was doing a great job. 

(At 180 + pounds, he can eat A LOT of yogurt!)

Even the dogs got their fair share of Yoplait Yogurt.  Which isn't a stretch for them, because, believe it or not, they get this on a regular basis.  With Yoplait leading the way in having 2X more calcium than other leading brands of yogurt, and me having very LARGE dogs, they need all the help in the calcium department that I can give them.  (Yes my dogs live like kings)  The dogs got to finish off the "Guess the Flavor" yogurts. 

I think one of my favorite parts is creating new dishes with ingredients you wouldn't normally use. This was the five fruit trifle...oh how good this was!  When you're a member of the General Mills Pssst Network, not only will you be able to try new products that hit the market, but you may just get chosen to host your own MyGetTogether! 

This was one of the biggest successes at the party.  Cucumber Hummus rounds.  They were so easy, and my girls loved making these.  I skinned and sliced the cucumbers, then laid them out on the counter.   We filled one pastry bag with hummus, and another pastry bag with plain yogurt, and one of my girls went around the outside edge of each cucumber with hummus, and the other, squeezed the plain yogurt in the center of each round.  Because the plain yogurt is a bit thinner, the hummus acted as a fence so the yogurt didn't go over the edges.  For added flavor, you can place fresh basil on the top.  I however couldn't find fresh basil in any of our local grocery stores.  Only plants were available, and I didn't want a whole plant. 

So if you're looking for something new to do, and love to be the hostess.  Sign up at Pssst today, and maybe you'll be hosting the next MyGetTogether!  A good time with family & friends.... nothing being sold..... and great memories!


Anonymous January 31, 2011 at 7:08 AM  

Wow. I loved what you did with the pictures on your fridge. It looks like you had a great time!

Jenna B January 31, 2011 at 12:12 PM  

OMG! Your dog is great! That's too funny that he got to eat the yogurt too! It looks like a great time.

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