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March 03, 2011

A Whirlwind Vacation ~ 5 Parks in 5 Days!

Well, it was only a few weeks back when my girls, my husband and I were saying that we couldn't wait for our vacation to begin, and now it's over already.  Time really does fly when you are having fun.  This vacation would not have been possible without my wonderful in-laws who treated us to this awesome trip.  I can honestly say, that I have the best in-laws in the world.  There really should be a better word than in-laws.... maybe something like Half Parents?  I'll have to think more about that one. 

No sooner did we arrive in Orlando, when we headed to Sea World.  My girls were in awe of all the animals, and the warm weather.  Oh, and I am so thankful that I remembered to pack my charger for my camera, because we managed to kill the battery each and everyday! 

Day two, we headed to Magic Kingdom.  It's been at least 20 years since I have been to Disney.  Here's the infamous picture that everyone who has ever been to Disney has taken, in front of the Castle.  We started early each day arriving at the parks before 9am, and by 3 each day my girls were exhausted, and ready to go back to the hotel to go swimming.  It was day two at Magic Kingdom where we found out that Baylee couldn't really handle all of the walking with her knee.  I think, Magic Kingdom was my personal favorite, not being here for so long, you forget about the amazing animation that Disney has. 

Day three, Epcot.  I love Epcot just as much as I love Disney, with Figment the little dragon.  I think we did most of the rides, and probably spent the longest day here.  It's more educational than the other parks, but my girls definitely had a great time here as well as the other parks.  By now I think I had taken close to 500 pictures.  This was the day that I had gotten very sunburned on my face. 

Day four, Universal Studios.  This I think was my girls favorite park.  Their favorite ride....Harry Potter.  Okay, this ride made me sick to my stomach, and fortunately, it was towards the end of the day.  I never actually got sick, but let me tell you, it took everything I had, NOT to get sick! 

It was here at Universal when we got into Seuss Land, where the girls had their pictures taken with Thing 1 and Thing 2.... and Thing 1 stole her motion sickness bracelet, you can see him showing it off on his wrist!  Yes, Jennicka, used to have a problem with motion sickness, though, you would never know it with all of the roller coasters, and fast rides she went on! 
Day 5, our last day in Orlando, we visited Animal Kingdom.  This was a great shaded park, so it didn't really feel as hot as it was.  Of course Orlando was experiencing record setting highs for this time of year while we were there.  This was a first for all of us, we all have never been to Animal Kingdom.  This park was really nice, Jennicka got to go on the Mount Everest Roller coaster with Daddy, and she was super excited that she went on it twice, and didn't fell the least bit sick.  I ended up with over 1100 pictures to create a new picture book, to which I will be doing next week. We were able to get up close with Tigers, and Giraffes, and lots of other animals. 
So all in all, it was a fantastic vacation, a whirlwind trip, and absolutely exhausting!  I have had a couple of days to get acclimated back to New England weather, and get caught up on all of my emails. 
Again, a big huge thank you goes out to my wonder "Half-Parents" for treating us all to this trip.   It is one, I know none of us will ever forget, and if the memories get a little blurred....we have over 1100 pictures to help us all remember! 


Anonymous March 4, 2011 at 6:53 AM  

looks like you had a great time! Glad your back!

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