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August 06, 2011

The Painting Moves Forward

The weather here in Rhode Island has been at times just plain too hot to paint, or to wet to paint.  We had put off painting until these past two days, where we began to start the front of the house.  Of course before you can paint, you first have to scrape.  So my husband has been scraping away, every chance he gets, while I have been removing all the shutters, priming the areas that have been scraped, and then painting the primed areas.  ( It sounds like I am doing more, but believe me the scraping... it's tedious, long, hard, and much more muscle is needed for this process.)

 (He hates painting, and I hate the scraping, so I guess we make a really perfect team for this project!)

We knew that painting this house was going to be a big project, we just didn't realize it was going to be this big!  However, each side of the house that gets finished, we become more and more anxious to finally complete this project.  The color that we choose is a deep hunter green, and the more sides of the house that gets covered the more I love this color. 

I will say, that the entire back and one side of the house, has now been completed.  I have been using an electric paint sprayer, and although it puts on a nice even coat of paint, it didn't seem like it was any quicker than using a paint brush. 

That was until I got my newest favorite tools for the house...

The Kobalt paint sprayer attachment for our air compressor...

Fast?  Fast doesn't begin to explain this attachment.  You get a nice even coat of paint in about 1/8 th of the amount of time with an electric paint sprayer.  I can honestly say I am actually looking forward to getting out there each morning and using this tool. 

My husband laughs at me, he calls me his "Gadget Queen" because I buy him these tools, like the air compressor, and I think I have gotten more use of it so far.

One of the best features of this little gadget was the price.  At just under $50, and $1.78 for the connector, it is probably the best thing we have purchased for this project, and trust me, we have made a lot of purchases, and done a lot of returns in trying to find the best and easiet way to accomplish this task. 

So if you're getting ready to start painting your own home, and are doing it yourself to save money, I highly suggest you go with an air compressor & paint sprayer like the Kobalt Paint gun, as you will be saving yourself so much time.  I only wish we had bought this paint gun in the first place! 

Now, off to go and paint!


Anonymous August 7, 2011 at 11:07 AM  

We bought this paint sprayer last fall when we were painting our shed, it cut our time by more than half using this, I love this sprayer so much, we then painted all of our fencing.

Anonymous August 9, 2011 at 3:29 PM  

more detail please. Do you have model # for the sprayer and connector/attachment ?

G August 10, 2011 at 7:53 AM  

Anon, the model number for this sprayer is SGY-AIR70 We purchased our at Lowe's. And the small attachment we found out, we didn't need for this sprayer, our air compressor had come with this fitting. If your compressor doesn't have one, it's a Male to Female connector that is found next to the sprayers in a bin.

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