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December 22, 2011

Getting Back ~ Little by Little

Sickness seems to be in the air, everyone I have been talking to seems to be dealing with practically the same thing.  It's been just plain dreadful. 

I have been completely "Stopped-in-my-tracks" sick with this horrible cold that first began as a chest cold, and then quickly decided to become a full blown ear infection.  To make matters worse, both my girls have been hit with the same bug.  Thankfully my wonderful husband has been playing the role of housekeeper, doctor and short order cook, and may I add, playing all the roles to a perfect "T". 

Today is really the first day in almost a week, that I have been able to look at my computer for longer then 10 minutes.  After being on anti-biotics for a few days now, I am finally starting to feel like myself,  slow, but myself.   So for the next two days, it's pretty safe to say that we'll all be taking it easy, so that we can all enjoy Christmas Day. 

So, here's to the next few days, back to posting, and continuing with the re-coup. 


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