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January 02, 2012

365 Tips to a Healthier, Happier, Better You ~ Day 2

Declutter Your Work Space

It always seems that I have a million and one things going on at once, whether it's a feature post, a guest post, product sponsored parties, photo organization, Social Media etc. and as much as I hate to admit it, this is my desk lately.  I could blame it on the holiday's, the cooking, the baking, the being sick, and anything else that I could think of.  Fact of the matter is, when my desk is this cluttered, I can't seem to focus, and my work reflects that. 

Starting the New Year off on the right foot, includes being able to think creatively in my own work space.  That means DE-cluttering!

So take 30 minutes today, and declutter your own work space.  Clean out those desk drawers, clear off anything that doesn't belong in your work space, then add some items that influence your creativity.

Here's my space after the decluttering...

I have 3 inspiring items.  Those items happen to be a beautiful hour glass that we picked up a few weeks ago at an antique shop, and a bowl of those great little porcelain bingo balls, that I have always admired. 

And least but certainly not least, my vintage desk is my biggest inspiration.  I love the lines that this desk portrays, it's leather top inlay, and gorgeous claw & ball feet, just makes me feel like I am one of the great writers like Hemingway, Frost, Twain, Patterson, and Morrison.  I like to imagine that back when this desk was new, it's owner wrote beautiful books, and inspiring poems on it. 

What are your inspiring items? 


Anonymous January 2, 2012 at 12:47 PM  

I have been needing to do this since, well forever! I think maybe after dinner tonight, I will be making the husband watch the little ones, while I finally tackle this. Thanks for the proverbial "push"!

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