Find us on Google+ 365 Tips to a Healthier, Happier, Better You ~ Day 10 ~ Brandy's Big Bargains

February 04, 2012

365 Tips to a Healthier, Happier, Better You ~ Day 10

Get on the phone!  That's right, get on the phone, and start calling those credit card companies, utility companies, insurance companies, and cell phone provider companies and ask for a discount!  

Your bills will never be lowered if you don't ask.  That's why at least once per year, I make several phone calls to our service companies, and see if I'm getting all the discounts I qualify for, or if there are new programs available that will save me money. 

Not everyone will help you, but you may find that you have 1 or 2 companies that will lower your bill.  I'll be honest, I have better luck with lowering my cell phone and car insurance than any other company.  With our cell phone provider, I tend to call them two or three times a year, because there are always new programs, and deals coming out.  Just be sure that by switching to a new plan, or program, you're not being charged an additional fee, or getting locked into a new 2 year program. 

Be sure to keep notes of when you call, who you speak with, and what the new payment consists of so you can match it up with your next monthly bill. 

Even getting a savings of $10 per month on two bills will save you $240 per year. 


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