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April 01, 2012

Working Around a New Schedule

After a 9 hour round trip ride up to Vermont to bring our new little boy home, we are all getting used to a new schedule.  A new schedule that revolves around himHis wants, his needs, and his playtime schedule.  I am loving it.

Ironically when we were picking up our boy, whom we named Otter, there was a family from Massachusetts, picking up one of the puppies, who asked us if it was our Mastiff that we lost in the fire, that wouldn't leave our eldest dog.  They knew the story well.  Sadly, I just shook my head and said yes.  I could feel the tears well up.  The wounds of that day are still so fresh, and deep. 

However, this new chapter with Otter in our lives is a nice diversion from looking at the house with nothing getting done right now, as the adjuster seems to just be taking forever. There is no question as to if we have enough insurance to cover the repairs, it's a matter of the insurance adjuster trying to, of course get out of this with our insurance company paying as little as possible.  We are not looking to get more than we had, we know, unfortunately that that's not how it works.  We only want back what we had, as far as monetary costs and items go.  I took steps on Friday to, let's say, light a fire under the adjuster, (pun intended) and get the ball rolling so we can get back into our house. 

 I really feel that there should be some sort of pre-requisite to becoming an insurance adjuster.  I think in order to become one, you should really have had gone through a house fire, tornado, major flood or disaster of some sort.  Maybe then when you would say "I understand", well maybe then you really would understand that your life has been turned upside down and inside out, and all you really want is to get back to a little normalcy. 

Normalcy is still a long ways off for us right now.  Continuing to look at our home stripped down to just studs gets depressing rather quickly.  The scent of burnt wood still lingers throughout the house, flooding back the memories of the morning of February 17th, still too fresh to think of without crying. 

So for now, at least for the next few week's working around Otter's schedule will be taking priority....

....and I'm going to love every sleepless minute of it!


Anonymous April 1, 2012 at 11:51 AM  

Oh My Goodness, what a cutie pie he is! Wishing you all the best!

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