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August 29, 2012

Where Does The Time Go?

Today marks a special day in our household.
The girls began their journey through...
High School!
I remember my mother saying, one day you'll blink, and they'll be in high school.  Well that day was today, and man oh man, was she right.  It seems like just yesterday, they were saying words like CumCuber, instead of cucumber, and Pacuter, instead of Computer. 
(It seems like just yesterday, I was starring at these little faces.)
They didn't need help this morning picking out clothes, they didn't need help doing their hair, they didn't need help getting their back-packs ready...  they didn't need help with, well, anything. 
I didn't cry, though I wanted to.
I didn't show them my fear, though I was am scared to death for them.
While I wouldn't have changed a thing,  I don't really miss the days when they were younger, and so dependant; however, I do miss the moments of when they were that little, and the moments that I used to know everything, and had all the answers for them.
...though they're becoming independant, beautiful, young women, they will forever be "my baby girls".
I so can't wait to pick them up from school today!


Anonymous August 31, 2012 at 8:43 AM  

you have such beautiful girls! Good luck to them in high school!

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